World Bank Commends Zambia On Climate Resilience Project

World Bank Task Team lead by Ms. Nathalie Weier Johnson and Ms. Ngao Mubanga commended the Zambian Government’s implementation of climate resilience projects during a virtual debrief with Ministry of Green Economy and Environment at the start of the World Bank Implementation Support Mission this week.

Ms. Johnson and Ms. Mubanga expressed satisfaction with the manner the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) being implemented in Western Province. The World Bank Task-Team are optimistic that the climate resilience project will be able to be replicated in other parts of the country, modelled on the successes of the PPCR. The Bank also commended the implementation of the new project – Transforming Landscapes for Resilience and Development in Zambia (TRALARD) which is being implemented in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.

The Permanent Secretary welcomed the World Bank Implementation Support Mission and assured the team of the Zambia Government support.

Mr. Msimuko was pleased at the World Bank praise of the implementation of the PPCR funded project namely the Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Barotse Sub-basin (SCReBS), which is progressively winding down as it closes in December 2022.

“The project will close on a successful note as Government is assured that the Project Development Objective will be successfully met,” said Mr. Msimuko. “The SCReBS Project has 12 Indictors, of which 9 are successfully achieved, however the other indicators could not be attained as they were beyond the project scope.”

The Permanent Secretary also highlighted the progress that was being made under the TRALARD project in Muchinga, Luapula and Northern Provinces.

Mr. Msimuko assured the World Bank that the New Government is placing a priority on addressing climate change challenges, environmental degradation, and deforestation.

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