Nullified MPs Take Case To Constitutional Court

Nine Patriotic Front MPs who had their seats nullified have appealed to the Constitutional Court to overturn the Speaker of the National Assembly’s decision to bar them from parliament. 

On December 7, Speaker Nelly Mutti banned the MPs whose seats had been nullified by the High Court from attending parliamentary business. The group had previously attempted to overturn the decision by a judicial review at Lusaka’s High Court but dropped their case last week in favour of a Constitutional Court ruling.

The group includes former Lusaka Province Minister and Kabushi MP Bowman Lusamboa, as well as Joe Malanji (Kwacha), Allen Banda (Chimwemwe), Kalalwe Mukosa (Chinsali), Mutotwe Kafwaya (Lunte), Lucas Simumba (Nakonde), Taulo Chewe (Lubansenshi), Christopher Chibuye (Mkushi North) and Sibongile Mwamba (Kasama Central).  

Their seats were nullified after several courts found evidence of violence and corruption during the MPs’ August election campaigns. Lusambo in particular was found to have carried out widespread acts of violence across Kabushi through his Nato Forces militia group, as well as personally intimidating voters at a polling station in Liyuni Primary School.

The PF MPs are still seeking to overturn Speaker Mutti’s decision, arguing that it is unreasonable and unfair. They are also hoping to receive their parliamentary salaries which have been withheld during their suspension.

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