Chanda Denies Misappropriation Of Covid-19 Funds

Health Minister Jonas Chanda has denied allegations that his ministry misappropriated over K6.3 billion in Covid-19 relief funding, which was pledged to Zambia by International partners.

Responding to a question by Kalabo Central MP Chinga Miyutu, Dr Chanda dismissed the suggestion that the squandered funds could impede the government’s response to the pandemic.

Rather, he explained, the funding had been made available through international institutions such as the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and other NGO’s. So it was not made available for the Ministry of Health to spend directly. 

“The cooperating partners indicated that their support was not going to be provided as direct finances to government but as in-kind in form of support materials. For instance, the Federal Republic of Germany pledged to disburse its support through WHO and UNICEF,” he clarified.

He further explained that audit reports on the utilisation of Covid resources were being analysed by the Public Accounts Committee, as per parliamentary procedure. 

The health minister has informed the house that of the K6.4 billion pledged by international donors, K1.9 billion worth of materials had already been disbursed by 30th December 2020.

These materials reportedly included machinery, equipment and water treatment chemicals disbursed by UNICEF and the WHO. 

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