PF Distances Itself From Paul Moonga’s Remarks Against The Judiciary

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has said that it has categorically distanced the party from the utterances attributed to Mr. PAUL MOONGA, alleging that some judges of the Constitutional Court are colluding with some opposition lawyers in a bribery scheme to disqualify President Edgar Lungu from contesting the 2021 general elections. 

In a statement released to the media by Party Secretary General Davies Mwila, the party said that the the issue of President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility is a dead issue that was conclusively dealt with by the Constitutional Court of Zambia, adding that the Constitutional Court ruled that President Lungu is eligible to contest the 2021 elections.

“As a party we believe in the rule of law and the doctrine of separation of powers. We as a party in Government believe in the principle of the RULE of LAW and the doctrine of SEPARATION OF POWERS, ” Mr Mwila said before adding that the party respects the decisions of the Courts and checks and balances that the Judiciary gives to the government as demonstrated by PF’s past actions, which he said have been consistent when it comes to complying with the decisions of the courts.

” We recently complied with the court judgment to ensure that all former ministers who served after the dissolution of Parliament pay back the money in accordance with the judgment of the Constitutional Court, ” Mr Mwila said.

“We are not like other political party leaders who disparage the judiciary whenever a judgment goes against them. They are on record, trying to mislead the public that President Edgar Lungu is not eligible to contest the 2021 elections when the Constititional Court already ruled on the matter,” he said adding that the decision of the Constitutional Court is final and it cannot be challenged in any Court in Zambia.

Mr. Mwila concluded by saying that issuing a strong instruction to all members of the Patriotic Front to desist from issuing any statements against the judiciary and that the party will take stern disciplinary action against anyone who will defy this order.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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