Lungu Should Rule 2026 & Beyond – Bowman Lusambo

PF Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has suggested that President Lungu should rule Zambia in 2026 and beyond. 

According to the Kabushi MP the outcome of the 2021 elections has already been decided. Lusambo basis his claim that President Lungu will win the August 2021 polls on his support levels. However, he has not explained how President Lungu could contest elections in 2026. There is a strict two-term limit on the presidency enshrined in the constitution.  

President Lungu’s candidacy is already a current political hot potato ahead of the 2021 elections, with some opposition and civil society actors arguing the President has already had his two terms in office. It is considered likely that his candidacy will be challenged following nomination filling in May, but it is not clear who else the Patriotic Front (PF) would consider running in his place. 

The MP for Kabushi also plans to run for office again in the upcoming election. He says he is happy with what has been achieved to date but that there are still projects which need to be completed. 

Lusambo has become notorious for his controversial statements and actions. Last year he was reported to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for alleged abuse of authority. He was also in the spotlight following reports he was threatening to whip people found in bars during COVID-19 restrictions. 

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