Billions Of Taxpayer’s Money Being Stolen From Treasury

Billions of Kwacha, made up of taxpayers money, has reportedly been stolen from the treasury for use by the Political Front (PF) to make tactical donations across the country. 

The Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) have voiced their concern over the amount of taxpayer’s money which the PF are donating to privileged individuals with the guise of ‘empowerment’. They give the example of 52 fuel tankers worth over K200 million which were donated to selected youths earlier this week. 

The party are concerned that such an act violates the Electoral Process Act No.35 of 16, hinting at  possible bribery from the president to increase the number of votes he will receive in the upcoming election. 

In the statement the PeP say “we wish to advise Mr Lungu that if Zambians were a gullible type of people that could sell their votes in return for gifts and donations, then the MMD Government would still be in power today”, implying the population are smarter than Lungu believes and will make their own un-influenced choices. 

They go on to state that the reason Lungu is still in power is because of the “gracious” population giving him an opportunity in spite of poor performance from 2015 to 2016. 

The statement is finished with a warning for the future saying “By 2026 under a continued Lungu presidency, the economy would have completely collapsed such that we shall be carrying money in wheelbarrows to go and buy a loaf of bread at a nearby grocery shop. Zambia would have produced its first dollar billionaire being one of the PF Ministers, due to incessant corruption and any opposition leader with a dissenting voice will either be in prison or in exile.” 

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