PF Divided – Mumbi Phiri Calls Out Ministers On Covid Violations

Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Secretary Mumbi Phiri has criticised Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Higher Education Minister Brian Mushimba for irresponsible behaviour in conducting campaigns on the Copperbelt.  

Phiri has called on the police to take charge of the situation in which there was no respect for social distancing and other Covid-19 prevention measures.  

Bowman Lusambo has previously been in the spotlight for threatening to whip people found in bars during COVID-19 restrictions.  

Lusambo visited bars to check up on people, apprehending some of those who were found to have broken the rules. 

“We are dealing with adults and we can’t say we have failed to communicate as government, we will continue sensitizing the people but we will activate Plan B which is whipping these people because it appears that they are acting like Two-year-old babies who can only be controlled using whips. The same way we handle our babies in our homes, we give them strokes when they become indiscipline,” Lusambo was quoted as stating at the time.

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