PF Should Stop Bullying Judiciary Over Lungu Third Term - UPND

United Party for National Development (UPND) Deputy Secretary General Patrick Mucheleka has condemned what he describes as the Patriotic Front’s (PF) intimidation of the judiciary over the matter of whether President Edgar Lungu is eligible to run for a third term in office.

In a statement released to the media, the UPND official called on the PF to stop “intimidating the judiciary and allow them to act independently”. He argued that if the PF’s position that President Lungu is able to stand is legal, then there should be no need for such actions. 

The statement came in response to baseless accusations from PF Lusaka Province Chairman Paul Moonga, alleging that UPND officials were attempting to bribe judges to delegitimise President Lungu’s candidacy.

These accusations have not been evidenced and were dismissed by the UPND out of hand.

In his statement, Mr Mucheleka said that the UPND had in fact chosen to stay well away from the debate over President Lungu’s eligibility, allowing the Constitutional Court to carry out its work independently. 

He added: “What the PF must understand is that the UPND through its the alliance with the people of Zambia, is ready to face any opponent the PF will sponsor on the ballot. It’s not about Lungu but the entire PF that needs to be flushed out on 12th August for bringing untold misery to our people”. 

In 2018 the Constitutional Court ruled that President Lungu was able to stand for a third term in office, despite having already been elected twice in 2015 and 2016. However, opposition groups hope to overturn this ruling before nomination papers are filed in May. 

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