Health Minister First Zambian To Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

Health Minister Dr Jonas Chanda yesterday became the first Zambian to receive the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at the University Teaching Hospital.

Dr Chanda took notable figures with him to be vaccinated including Permanent Secretary Kennedy Malama and Chief Bunda Bunda of the 10th Rufunsa.

Following their vaccinations, Dr Chanda said that Zambia would utilise the 228,000 donated doses to vaccinate priority groups who are at high risk of contracting the virus.

“We will begin with our frontline health care workers, in both public and private health facilities. I am, therefore, very delighted to join our gallant health care workers here at the University Teaching Hospitals as we kick-start this roll-out today. Other frontline workers performing core societal functions including, but not limited to, the police, defence and security personnel, immigration officers, teachers, judiciary staff, traditional leaders, the clergy and the media will follow.”

Subsequent questions have arisen around the inclusion of high-profile individuals within this first ‘priority’ group to be vaccinated.

Speaking at his vaccination yesterday, Dr Chada commented on the necessity of vaccinating the population in order to protect the economy and society within Zambia.

“The vaccine will be an additional tool for government’s response in protecting the population from the pandemic which has negatively impacted on the economic and social wellbeing of society, ‘’ he said.

 Zambia is one of the last African countries to begin vaccinating its population which has resulted in economic and social stresses to be greater than they could have been had the vaccine programme started sooner.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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