President Lungu Is Not Credible – Changala

Speaking after the PF convention, good governance activist Brebner Changala commented on the illegitimacy within the PF government as a result of Edgar Lungu’s leadership.

Changala initially stated that President Lungu was “exactly the opposite of what he was talking about” and that he is “not credible”. This comes as a result of Lungu being unable to raise political or economic standards within the country, according to the activist.

He continued in commenting on his perceived corruption within the PF government.

“And the perception about being a leader has been reduced to being corrupt, in the first place. You must buy your vote and you must destroy the national unity!”

Changala linked this depletion of national unity to the numerous arrests which opposition members have been subject to.

He stated “He [Edgar Lungu] has reduced the democratic space where political opponents have been reduced to mere criminals and suspects”.

The statement continued in mentioning corruption within the current government as well as the lack of elections within the party running for Presidency in August.

“The PF and himself [Edgar Lungu] are richer than the national treasury. They have more money than the country, and he has not explained the source of that money and for some of us we know its money driven from corruption.” 

“You cannot allow people for almost two months to campaign for a position…only to call people to a general conference and…pick 54 people without anybody casing a vote and you call it an election.” 

Mr Changala finished through mentioning the lack of popularity of the current President, in spite of Lungu’s own opinion that he is a popular individual.

“With all the suffering, with the poor economy, with all the tribalism in his party he can still go to a microphone and claim that we love him so much and we shall retain him! If he’s sleeping, my advice is for him to wake up.”

His statement follows Edgar Lungu’s description of himself as a “tested” leader and “full of integrity” when speaking at the PF convention.   

Photo: Q FM

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