VP Wina Defends Vote-Free PF Conference

Vice-President Inonge Wina has defended the events of the PF National Convention, held earlier this month.

The event, which saw President Lungu re-appointed to his position, has come in for criticism by some as the party’s entire Central Committee was re-appointed without a proper vote. The process was in stark contrast to the UPND assembly last month in which the 70 members of the National Management Committee (NMC) were appointed in line with 204,050 votes cast by 2,915 party delegates across the country.

The UPND also held their vote under the observation of the chair of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Judith Mulenga, to ensure that the elections met the requirement for intra-party elections as required by the constitution. While Hichilema was unopposed for the position of party president, several other positions were contested including that of National Chairperson. It was a close contest with Mutale Nalumango narrowly beating her rival Patrick Mucheleka by just 31 votes.

Vice-President Wina was questioned on the subject at the PF conference by the UPND’s Jack Mwiimbu who congratulated those appointed but asked whether she was happy with the manner in which it was conducted with reference to Artcile 60(2)(d) of the Constitution which requires political parties to promote and practice democracy through regular free and fair elections.

Wina defended the process saying that the party is “very proud of what transpired in terms of democratic elections in PF. Names are submitted to the council, names are scrutinised from all parts of the country and the president is also mandated to nominate from that list, and that list will be approved or rejected by the national council or national conference.”

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