Kambwili Has Case To Answer On Presidential Defamation

Chishimba Kambwili has been found with a case to answer for defaming President Lungu. 

Kambwili is alleged to have referred to the sitting Head of State as a dog in August 2019 with intent to bring the President’s name to hatred, ridicule or contempt. His comments were captured in a video that went viral on social media.

He was quoted saying “Not ishi imbwa sha bantu, yaliekala ku Chawama elo yamona ste…ati intandale icalo eko baitafye kuya kuti washa umutengo wabunga abantu balelwila K150 waya? Kumonafye nabantu abika, kuti wabula Kampyongo ati Minister of Home Affairs, kuti caba calo? Ba Kaizer inchito ni boasting, (not these ‘dogs’, it used to reside in Chawama and given an opportunity, it wants to explore the world and visit every place, where an invitation is extended to it when people are scrambling for a 25Kg bag of mealie-meal pegged at K150). Can you leave the price of mealie-meal at K150 and you leave the country? You can even see the people he appoints. How do you appoint Kampyongo as a minister of home affairs? Can it be a country? Kaizer; all he does is boasting. Okay guys).”

Reviewing the case Lusaka chief resident magistrate Lameck Mwale has found “There is overwhelming evidence warranting this court to place the accused on his defence. I hereby find the accused with a case to answer and place him on defence.” Kambwili is expected to open his defence on April 20.

Having departed the opposition UPND Alliance earlier this year, Kambwili is expected to rejoin the PF. However, President Lungu is not the only high-ranking politician to have been criticised by Kamwbili in recent times. He has also previously reported the Head of State to the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) for money laundering.

Earlier this week Copperbelt Advocates for Justice and Peace executive director Abraham Phiri warned that Kambwili should not be trusted as he way looking for ways to survive jail.

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