Show Solidarity With Sangwa – CSOs Urge Ahead of Petition Hearing

Several of Zambia’s most respected CSOs have spoken out in support of John Sangwa’s petition to the Constitutional Court and his defence of the Constitution. The petition asks the Constitutional Court to bring the affidavit in support of the presidential nomination papers in line with the Constitution and is expected to be heard tomorrow 14:30. 

The CSOs include Chapter One Foundation, Transparency International Zambia, Caritas Zambia, ActionAid, the Centre for Trade Policy and Development, the Zambia Council for Social Development, GEARS Initiative, and Peoples’ Action for Accountability and Good Governance in Zambia. 

In a press statement on the subject they write, “We, the undersigned civil society organisations (CSOs) wish to commend Mr. Sangwa SC for his bold and unwavering fight for constitutionalism and the rule of law. The defence of our constitution is the duty and right of every Zambian citizen, as provided by Article 2 of the Constitution; it is not the preserve of a select few individuals. The strength of our Constitution is dependent on our resolve to uphold and defend it. To this end, we charge the members of the public to not only show interest in this matter but to take up the duty to defend our Constitution in whatever way they can.” 

“We urge the public to show solidarity with Mr. Sangwa SC and the action before the Constitutional Court, as it affects every Zambian citizen and the right of citizens to participate in their government. While we note that the action is extremely time sensitive as the nomination for Presidential Candidates is scheduled to take place from 17th May 2020 to 20th May 2020. We have every intention of supporting Mr. Sangwa SC’s action, by any expedient legal means, and we strongly urge other like-minded stakeholders to do the same,” the groups state. 

John Sangwa SC petition the Constitutional Court on 4th May 2021 seeking to enforce Article 106 (3) of the Constitution. According to the CSOs if successful the petition will “see the amendment of the ‘Affidavit for Presidential Candidate/Running Mate’ by the inclusion of a paragraph to the effect that the candidate has “not twice held office before. This amendment will bring the Affidavit for presidential candidates in line with the Constitution for present as well as future purposes.”

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