Political Parties Encouraged to Campaign Online, Reduce COVID-19 Spread

The Electoral Commission Zambia (ECZ), alongside an Ndola based civic organisation, have advised political parties against holding rallies during the campaign period to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Democratic Governance and Human Rights Advocates Executive Director Gerald Mutelo has tried to encourage people away from campaigning methods which involve large crowds, such as rallies.

“I am not discouraging people to campaign, but it is important to keep people safe from COVID-19 by discouraging large gatherings,” he said.

Instead, he advised that political parties concentrate on campaigning through methods such as radio, internet and television.

In spite of these words of encouragement, Mr Mutelo said that the leading party, the Political Front (PF), must change their ways and lead by example after breaking COVID-19 guidelines.

He said that the PF were the one party seen to break the most COVID-19 guidelines as a result of the huge crowds seen at its members with meetings.

Photo: ZambianEye

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