Analyse Political Campaigns Thoroughly – JCTR

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has urged Zambians to fully consider campaign promises and the means through which these promises will be fulfilled when voting in the upcoming August elections.

In a statement released to the press on Monday, the JCTR acknowledged the backdrop of debt in which the August elections will be held against.

Subsequently, the JCTR advised voters not to be “hoodwinked” but to “analyse and interrogate campaign messages”.

As of December 2020, the country’s debt was estimated at $20.46billion, having risen from just $4.3billion in 2011 under the control of the Patriotic Front government.

Had such analysis and consideration been made prior to the 2016 elections, Zambia may find itself positioned in a better place.

For example, in 2016 the Patriotic Front focused on reducing the cost of living in their manifesto yet in the years which have followed they have enabled this cost to increase.

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