President Lungu Signs Prisons Act To Encourage Prison Vote

President Edgar Lungu has signed the Prisons Act into law which will allow individuals sentenced for life imprisonment to spend some time away from confinement.

Zambia Correctional Services (ZCS) Commissioner General Dr Chisela Chileshe has announced that individuals serving life imprisonment may be able to be released on a special license outside of a presidential pardon. He said that the ZCS would recommend President Lungu for a break for individuals who have shown remorse, good behaviour and who are no longer a danger to society.

To add to this, Dr Chileshe announced that prisoners will also have the opportunity to spend two weeks at home during their sentences.

Implementation of the law is a cause for concern over the legitimacy of the legal system in the country, enabling individuals who should carry out the rest of their lives in jail to walk the streets of Zambia.

The law comes alongside an announcement that prisoners will be able to vote for the first time in the upcoming general elections.

Skeptics and stakeholders have expressed their concern at the possibility for this new opportunity for prisoners, believing that the new law has been put in place to encourage prisoners to vote for the Patriotic Front. Individuals have also expressed concern that additional manoeuvres to give inmates incentives would also influence the political decisions of the prisoners.

Photo: Koswe Facebook

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