A Silent Revolution is Happening – Chibomba

Choolwe Chibomba, aspiring UPND candidate for Mapatizya constituency, has commented on the silent revolution which he believes is occurring in Zambia in the run-up to the August election.

In a string of Twitter posts, Chibomba commented on the difference between the run up to the 2021 elections compared to the same time period before the 2011 elections.

“Unlike 2011, where people actively made noise about changing government, the wind of change this time around is very quiet” he said.

This was considered a “silent revolution” in which people will not be swayed by the current acts showcased by the government, Chimbomba believes.

“While people are watching politicians’ defect, hand out money, and short-term development projects, they still know within themselves what the right thing to do will be on August 12.”   

He continued in asserting the importance of a fair and protected election in August.

“We have to come together, from all corners of the country, to ensure that our vote is protected.”

The Tweets come just days after the announcement of a pro-Lungu church group to provide “independent” election monitoring and also follows reports of the PF offering money for politicians to defect.

Photo: Choolwe Chibomba Twitter

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