TI-Z Warns On Abuse Of Public Resources, Calls For ECZ Attention

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has called out the PF’s presidential running mate Prof Nkandu Luo on “blatant abuse of public resources” during the campaign period ahead of the 12 August 2021 elections.

“It has come to TI-Z’s attention that the presidential running mate for the Patriotic Front, Prof. Nkandu Luo, has been moving around the country with the Vice President, Madam Inonge Wina,” TI-Z Executive Director Maurice K. Nyambe writes.

“While Mrs Wina’s trips have been said to be for purposes of inspecting government developmental projects, we are alarmed to see that Prof. Luo has also been using the same trips to interact with the electorate and engage in campaigns for her political party,” he continues.

“While we are cognizant of the fact that Her Honour the Vice President has the right to have anyone accompany her on official trips, our considered view is that involving the party’s running mate in this manner and allowing her to use the opportunity to campaign is a blatant abuse of public resources by Prof. Luo,” Nyambe states.

TI-Z references Article 60, 3(d) of the Zambian Constitution as amended in 2016 “which stipulates that a political party shall not use public resources to promote its interest or that of its members.”

The group also calls on the ECZ to take an interest in the matter “since Article 3(b) of the Electoral Process Act No 35 of 2016 stipulates that it is the duty of the Commission to ensure that political parties do not use state resources to campaign for the benefit of any political party or candidate.”

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