Patriotic Front Backtrack On Promise Of “More Money In Your Pockets”

President Edgar Lungu’s running mate, Professor Nkandu Luo, has backtracked on the Patriotic Front’s (PF) 2011 and 2016 campaign promise to put “more money in your pockets”.

Speaking when she met Zambia Civil Servants Initiative Association officials in Kabwe, Prof Luo backtracked and that the PF did not promise to fill people’s pockets with money, saying the slogan was “misunderstood”.

Undermining the intelligence of the Zambian citizens, Ms Luo appears to think that voters assumed the government were going to put money directly into the pockets of the Zambian population. Rather, the slogan clearly insinuated that the PF would provide the population with more jobs and lower commodity prices.

In spite of this promise, since the PF have been in power, unemployment has increased by 5% whilst inflation has increased prices by a huge 15% over the last 10 years.

Professor Luo also appears to believe that it has taken the PF government 10 years to “restore” the state of the economy which the MMD supposedly ruined. Yet, as previous figures demonstrate, and when taking into account the vast debt that the PF have accumulated, they government have instead ruined an already delicate economy which was given to them.

Photo: Lusaka Voice

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