UPND and PF in Ndola commit to Violence Free Campaigns

THE RULING Patriotic Front (PF) and the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) in Ndola have resolved to violent free campaigns ahead of the 12 August polls.

Speaking during a joint media briefing in Ndola earlier yesterday, Copperbelt PF Provincial Mobilisation Coordinator Mr Bowman Lusambo who is also the ruling PF’s Kabushi aspiring candidate said politicians ought to compete on ideas as opposed to engaging in violence.

Hon Lusambo stressed the need for coexistence among political players and the general public.

He mentioned that the briefing which he jointly held with the UPND aspiring candidate for Ndola Central Frank Tayali marked a new page in politics.

“Today is a day we want to flip a new page. I have been enjoying campaigns in the Kabushi Constituency with the UPND. When I meet the UPND, we do exercise our democratic rights by showing off our symbols” he said.

“We are just competing here, we are not here to fight. So Tayali, tell your people that you and I do meet. Why should our supporters fight? When I don’t have money I go to Tayali he lends me money, when Tayali is broke, he calls me Bowman am broke, I need some money that is the way we have been living.” 

Hon Lusambo urged Zambians to uphold the peace that the first Republican President His Excellency Dr Kenneth Kaunda, who died on Thursday this week fought for, adding that Dr. Kaunda detested both violent and tribal politics.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tayali said there was no point to kill each other over the public office. He said Dr. Kaunda has left citizens a lot of lessons from which they should learn.

The contender acknowledged that the suspension of any forms of campaigns in Lusaka, Mpulungu, Nakonde, and Namwala was necessitated by violent acts.

“We are one Zambia One Nation, we are not enemies. How we treat each other today will determine how we will treat each other post-election. Governments will come and go but the country will not go. It is important that we exercise restraint,” he said.

The briefing was witnessed by both PF and UPND Ndola district Chairmen, UPND aspiring Candidates for Bwana Mkubwa and Kubushi, and PF aspiring Candidates for Ndola Central and Chifubu.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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