UPND Alliance To Resume Campaigning

The United Party for National Development Alliance has resumed its campaign activities following a break to commemorate the death of Founding President Kenneth Kaunda. 

Speaking at a press briefing in Chilanga on Thursday, UPND Secretary General Batuka Imenda announced the party would be resuming its campaign activities as the election is an important constitutional matter. However, he added that the UPND would not engage in any campaigning on the day of Dr Kauda’s burial, due to be held on July 7th. 

The secretary general urged UPND Alliance members to withhold from all political activity on July 7th and to adhere closely to Covid-19 guidelines during the rest of the campaign period.

The UPND initially announced their break from campaigning last Thursday, immediately following Dr Kaunda’s death. Writing on Facebook, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema called for members to “suspend all active mobilisation activities until further notice” before paying tribute to the late first president, whom he called a “gallant son of Africa”.

On Saturday, Dr Kaunda’s son, Kaweche Kaunda, personally thanked HH for the mark of respect his party had shown towards the former leader. HH had been a personal friend of Dr Kaunda and was endorsed by the founding president during his first presidential election bid in 2006. 

The Patriotic Front, meanwhile, has continued campaigning throughout the mourning period, albeit in a more discreet manner. 

Movement for Democratic Change Secretary General Lucky Mulusa has since criticised the PF for undermining Dr Kaunda’s legacy of “One Zambia, One People, One Nation”. Speaking at Monday’s press conference, Mr Mulusa accused the PF of continuing to spread divisive and tribal remarks, which the UPND Alliance was working to counteract.

“Apart from our own message of zero tolerance to corruption, better life to all citizens, and servant leadership during party mobilisations, UPND Alliance campaign mobilisation foot soldiers and mobile teams will celebrate KK’s legacy now and beyond 2021 Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Election,” vowed Mulusa.

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