World Mourns KK The Day Before His Funeral

Prominent figures from across the world today mourn the death of First President of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda, on the day before his funeral.

Messages of condolence from around the world have been sent to President Lungu from figures such as Pope Francis, German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel and Ethiopia’s President Mrs Sahle-Work Zewde.

The message from Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church and Sovereign of the Vatican City, has acknowledged the extensive work which Dr Kaunda carried out over his time in office for the nation of Zambia.

“His commitment to the education and advancement of young people and his efforts to promote fraternal unity within the nation and Africa as a whole, I commend him to the mercy of Almighty God,” Pope Francis’ message read.

Not only have messages been sent from across the world, high-profile individuals have also travelled to the country for the funeral tomorrow, including the Minister of State for Africa James Duddridge.

The minister, who will represent the Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom, will be joined by the British High Commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Wolley at the funeral.

Her Majesty said that she was “saddened to receive new of the death of Kenneth Kaunda”, adding that his “regional leadership in maintaining Zambia as a bastion against Apartheid has earnt him a place in history.”

Photo: Lusaka Times

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