Kaunda’s Family Continue To Plead Against Government’s Burial Plans

The grandchildren of the late Kenneth Kaunda, founding president of Zambia, have continued to urge the government to comply with Dr Kaunda’s wish to be buried next to his late wife rather than at a national memorial site.

Sources close to the family have revealed that the government plan to bury Dr Kaunda at Embassy Park, an official national memorial site. However, in doing so they will be going against the wishes of Dr Kaunda who had asked to be buried at his farm next to his wife Betty.

In a letter dated June 23, the grandchildren of Dr Kaunda plead with President Edgar Lungu to comply with their late grandfathers wishes.

“We, the undersigned, representing the collective view of the family, have taken into consideration the proposal to exhume Dr Kaunda’s remains from Embassy Park after the burial to be relocated at his residence as a compromise to the family’s request,” the letter read.

They describe the government’s proposal “unnecessary” given the fact that Dr Kaunda had already expressed his wishes to be buried next to his wife.

Kawwche Kaunda, son of the late Kenneth, has also acknowledged the letter adding that “his [Kenneth Kaunda] was to be put next to our mother. I would love them to honour his wish. This is something he said time and time again.”

With less than a week left until his burial next Wednesday, it remains uncertain as to the outcome of this dispute.

Photo: Reuters

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