Vote Out Lungu – Col Panji

Son of the late founding President Kenneth Kaunda, Colonel Panji Kaunda, has called on Zambians to vote out President Lungu in next week’s elections following the deployment of the army on to the streets last weekend. 

Commenting on the situation Col Panji is quoted as stating, ““We are in this mess because the government of ba Lungu by politicising police have failed the nation. The police are now like a party cadre. They can’t control anybody, they can’t arrest anybody from the PF, the only thing they are doing is arresting people from the opposition political parties.” 

According to Col Panji the cause of the violence is that the police has been biased.  

“These incidences that are happening here they are still police cases. They are not armed with guns and bombs. they are armed with machetes and knives and it is the police who are supposed to deal with that. They have got the police intelligence and, or that, they are supposed to detect that. This is a situation where there is a failure by the President as Commander-In-Chief to control the situation in the country and anybody who fails must face consequences,” he stated. 

“Whenever a PF cadre does something they are never arrested but as soon as the people from the opposition cough, they are arrested for coughing,” he continued. 

He went on to say that arrests should not be talked about in partisan terms, whereby criminal activities are associated with political parties. Instead, they should be described simply as “law breakers.” 

“I get worried when I hear our police say ‘we have arrested so and so suspected to be a PF cadre or an MDC cadre. That’s not it. They are supposed to take these people as law breakers.” 

The late President’s son believes that the way to remedy the situation is to vote the current government out.  

“Let’s vote these people out and put a serious guy ahead of us otherwise they are going to destroy the army the way they have destroyed the police,” Col Panji stated. 

He said he is not being political but practical. He also defended the soldiers, saying they were simply doing their job by following orders.

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