PF And COVID Same Pandemic - To Be Vaccinated On August 12 – Changala

GOOD governance activist Brebner Changala has appealed to Zambians to retire President Edgar Lungu in national interest because he is financing tribal campaigns.

He says, “PF and Covid are the same pandemic which must be vaccinated. And it will be vaccinated on the 12th of August so that Zambia starts living healthy, at peace with itself, at peace with all the regions of the country, at peace with the world.”

And Changala has asked the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to ban PF cadre Chishimba Kambwili from campaigns because he has continued promoting tribalism and hate speech.

In an interview, Changala said there is no need of keeping a president who finances Chishimba Kambwili’s tribalism.

Despite being suspended once for a week over his hate speech, Kambwili has continued with the same manner of campaigns.

President Lungu and the PF have chartered a plane for their cadre Kambwili, which has been taking him around the northern part of the country where he has been telling people not to vote for UPND and its leader Hakainde Hichilema because the party is full of Tongas.

“So, I appeal to the Zambians, one, to retire President Edgar Lungu in national interest. Two, I appeal to our police to arrest Kambwili and put him where he belongs, behind bars,” he said. “This is not an election that must be won at all cost, even at the expense of national security. That must not be tolerated, it must not be allowed. That is treason. What Kambwili and President Edgar Lungu are doing is nothing but treason and they will be tried at an appropriate time.”

He warned President Lungu and Kambwili that their escapade will have long term consequences.

“What Kambwili is doing in the northern part of our country is criminal; it borders on a criminal offence. Secondly, I want to remind Mr Kambwili that he is a convict,” Changala added. “And I want to warn President Edgar Lungu who is facilitating this tribalism by financing the movement of Mr Kambwili and other tribal cohorts in the northern circuit that should anything go wrong out of this tribal desire to divide the country in order to prolong their stay in power, President Lungu will be accused number one because he is the one abating Mr Kambwili’s criminality.”

He reminded the duo that Zambia has been a unitary State since independence.

Changala justified his argument that President Lungu has never been fit to preside over the affairs of the country.

“Zambia has been a unitary State under One Zambia One Nation. To allow a Head of State to finance tribal divisions in the country, it tells you that President Lungu has never been fit to be Head of State. And President Lungu never openly condemned the criminality that Mr Kambwili has engaged himself into,” he said further. “And I want to tell the people of Zambia not to listen to Mr Kambwili because he has said it openly that he is mad, himself, by going back to PF. And this country must not be listening to ‘mental’ patients like Kambwili. And I want to tell the Tongas in Southern Province that Kambwili’s sentiments are nothing but political survival. It has no blessings from any upright thinking Bemba person. This is a scheme created and designed by…in PF.”

Changala highlighted several failures of the PF, which are a basis for people not to vote them back.

“They have built hospitals which have no medicines. They have built hospitals which have no doctors, hospitals which have no nurses or paramedics. They have destroyed the economy. Zambians are living in squalor,” he said. “There’s more poverty than they found it and they are trying to hide under Covid. And yet PF and Covid are the same pandemic which must be vaccinated. And it will be vaccinated on the 12th of August so that Zambia starts living healthy; at peace with itself, at peace with all the regions of the country, at peace with the world. No person must vote for PF.”

He appealed to law enforcement officers to arrest Kambwili immediately for promoting tribalism and hate speech.

“And I appeal to the law enforcement officers to fear nothing. Move in and arrest Kambwili because if you arrest him after the general election, it will be political persecution. Arrest him when he still has the support of Mr Lungu as the Commander-In-Chief,” Changala added. “Tell President Lungu and his fellow tribalists that Kambwili has committed a felony and he must be arraigned before a competent court of law. If they win this election based on the Bemba/Ngoni superiority, other tribes are bound to resist because we are all equal before the law and we are all equal in the eyes of our creator, our God almighty.”

He said Tongas have been humiliated by such acts and sentiments.

“In all this, the Tonga people have been humiliated. The Tonga people have been disadvantaged. The Tonga people have been abused. And they have never responded to all this criminal assault on their integrity and on their being citizens of this country,” he said. “They have been watching and record keeping. Whereas the Bembas and the Ngonis, through Edgar Lungu, have been going after their character as the most useless tribe, as the most stingy tribe; as a tribe that must never be allowed to govern this country. Basically, Zambia is a country of two nations – the Bemba/Ngoni nation and the Tonga nation.”

And Changala wondered why the ECZ had kept quiet when Kmabwili had continued breaching the Electoral Code of Conduct and the Penal Code by promoting tribalism and hate speech.

He said even if it was clear that ECZ were pro-PF, they should have some integrity to protect under such a criminal situation.

“I’m appealing to ECZ, I know they are partisan, I know ECZ has taken the side of the PF. But for the sake of the country, ECZ should not have allowed Kambwili to continue. In fact, ECZ should not have allowed Kambwili and PF to campaign on tribal lines. ECZ should not have allowed Kambwili and PF to break the Electoral Code of Conduct,” said Changala. “This is a very serious breach. And ECZ is looking elsewhere as if they are not aware. But I want to warn [ECZ chairperson] judge [Esau] Chulu and his team, I want to warn [ECZ chief electoral officer Patrick] Nshindano and his team that the day to account will come.”

This article originally appeared on

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