President Hichilema Outlines Economic Plans At UN General Assembly

President Hakainde Hichilema has made his maiden speech at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday in which he outlined his economic plans for the country which finds itself in a state of disrepair.

Speaking at the event, held each year from September to December, President Hichilema said that his administration would work to resolve current issues faced within the economy. He also commented on the state of corruption which the country currently faces.

“We shall also promote free media and an active civil society as they are critical in upholding checks and balances, human rights, liberties and freedoms,” the President said.

With regards to the economy, he added that in order to sustain growth he would dedicate efforts to guarantee a stable and predictable environment which would attract local, regional and foreign direct investment, as well as enhance local participation in the economy.

“Our administration shall design and implement interventions aimed at inducing enhanced productivity in agriculture, mining, energy, financial services, tourism, technology, health and education as well as support the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises,” Hichilema stated.

Rounding off his speech, the President commented on his proposed efforts towards sustainable development, having established the ministry of green economy and environment to help address climate-change related issues.

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