Government To Employ 4,500 More Teachers By End Of Next Year

In Friday’s budget, the government announced the employment of 4,500 teachers by 2023. The move is set to project the New Dawn Government in meeting its target of free primary and secondary education.

The policy has also been welcomed by the Unemployed Teachers Association of Zambia (UTAZ) which commended the policy yesterday.

The UTAZ president Francis Musonda announced his approval of the policy through a statement issued to the Lusaka Times.

 The statement outlined that all 70,000 members of the association would welcome the move as it will not only result in employment opportunities but multiply the positive impacts already being felt by the New Dawn Government’s previous teacher employment policy which saw the introduction of 30,496 teachers into the sector.

 Mr Musonda stated, “Allow me to thank and recognize the endless efforts the new dawn government has continued rendering towards the education sector.”

 He also noted that this was a step in the right direction noting that problems over student-to-teacher ratios would hopefully soon be an issue of the past.

 He also encouraged members of the association to remain committed to their trade and in the meantime refresh their retraining through participating in volunteering programs.

The government also announced plans to cut down on under-employment in the education sector.

The New Dawn Government announced that they would upgrade the positions of teachers who are currently employed in roles below what they qualify for higher-skilled ones.

Moreover, the government will also provide funding directly to schools to ensure that schools meet the inspection standards. 

Additionally, to increase access to education the government announced they will construct 56 early childhood education centres and complete the construction of 115 high schools which had been abandoned by the previous government. The government will also construct 120 new secondary schools with support from the World Bank.

By investing heavily in education the New Dawn Government has opened up opportunities for all Zambians. Through increased employment in the sector to contribute to a more highly skilled workforce such policies act as a positive step forward in securing economic and social development within Zambia.  

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