Zambian Government Announces Digital Transformation Centres Across Zambia And Receives Praise For GSB Initiative

The government has revealed plans to establish digital transformation centres across Zambia in an effort to improve communications throughout the country. The plans are the latest in the New Dawn government’s strategy to further Zambian development through technological improvements.

The news comes after Percy Chinyama, the Smart Zambia Institute National Coordinator, announced the plans whilst speaking at offices of the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), Registrar of Societies and the Patent and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) in Lusaka.

Mr Chinyama stated that the digital transformation centres are being used to ensure the utilisation of the Government Service Bus (GSB) by the public.

The new digital transformation centres will be primarily based in remote parts of the country in an attempt to further network coverage.

The plans are expected to reduce the cost of internet coverage and improve efficiency ensuring that more people are connected under the Smart Zambia Initiative.

The initiative will work with other stakeholders such as the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) and mobile service providers to ensure that these goals are met.

Mr Chinyama stated, “We will soon deploy the government-wide area network especially in critical areas that have internet problems, and we also intend to create digital transformation centres for people to easily access the ICT services.”

He also encouraged government departments to work together to ensure the progress of the initiative.

Additionally, Gladwell Banda, the RSTA Director, has announced that the GSB portal has received an 85% increase in revenue collection since its launch in 2020. He stated that K13 million was received in the first quarter of 2022, which is 5.9 million more than in the first quarter of 2021.

Wilson Banda, the Acting Director and CEO of PACRA, has also praised the government for founding the GSB idea, stating that it has increased efficiency with regard to the registration of businesses within the company. He announced that PACRA has received over 40, 0000 company registrations between November 2021 and April 2022.

Further, the Chief Registrar of Societies, Thandiwe Mhende, has praised the initiative. Stating that since the launch of GSB, the department has seen a reduction in audit queries and no officer is managing cash.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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