President Hichilema Addresses the Nation on the Government’s New Anti-Corruption Policy

On 17th May, President Hichilema launched the National Policy on Anti-Corruption at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre.

Hichilema opened by saying, “it itemizes and obligates various institutions. Institutions of a multiple nature to perform their duties because it is clear to them that is their line of responsibility. So this is a very important day, I’m happy that we are all here…through the media, the nation and the global community will get the message of what we in Zambia are saying on this negative vice, this destructive vice of corruption.”

He continued, “I do scan social media. I do listen to news, because I would like to have the pulse of the nation in front of me. And there are some who believe that the fight against corruption is waning. You’re wrong. You’re completely wrong. We inherited a difficult country where institutions were broken down. Basically even professionalism in these institutions was thrown out from all exit points…I’m now seeing the extent of the damage.”

He recounted a story from his visit to the President of Angola, who gave him advice and tips from his own experience of corrupt institutions in Angola, and how he targeted his fight against corruption after three years of being in office with little to no progress. He told President Hichilema that Angola had recovered $25 billion after changing certain laws, after changing certain individuals in those institutions.

It was revealed that the government has created a Financial and Economic Crimes Court. Another update to the policy is the change of certain pieces of legislation which allows the government to prosecute corruption much faster and with a more straightforward process.

The President also illustrated the nature of the fight against corruption with a personal example from his own family. Before taking up office, he caught his nephew stealing cattle from the community. He reprimanded him and warned him never to do it again. Six months later, he caught his nephew stealing again. The President organised for his arrest, and he was sent to jail. Hichilema said, “you have to be committed, you have to have principles, you have to be genuinely principled when you engage in the fight against corruption, at all levels.”

He restated the government’s focus which will aid the fight against corruption: economic expansion, growth, legal business, entrepreneurship.

Closing the speech, President Hichilema addressed the people sitting behind him. He said, “fear is in itself a disease. So, institutions, don’t be afraid. If you don’t want to do this job, don’t accept the appointment to be Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission. Go back to your legal profession.” This was met with laughter form the audience. Hichilema responded “I’m not joking.”

The President then joined the dignitaries and incorporating partners of the policy, and symbolically cut the ribbon to declare the new anti-corruption policy officially launched.


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