Jay Jay's Case Thrown Out of Court

The Lusaka High Court has dismissed a case brought forward by fugitive MP Emmanuel ‘Jay Jay’ Banda in which he accused government officials of being involved in his alleged abduction in May.

Justice Mwape Bowa threw the case out after Banda and his lawyers failed to appear at the scheduled hearing on Wednesday. Mr Banda has 30 days to revive his case, after which time it will be permanently dismissed due to lack of prosecution.

“The petitioner’s advocates are not before court and no reasons have been advanced for the non- attendance,” Justice Bowa said as he struck out the case.

Mr Banda has accused State House communications specialist Clayson Hamasaka, political advisor to the President Levy Ngoma, and UPND National Youth Chairman Trevor Mwiinde of being involved in his supposed abduction.

The Independent MP for Petauke Central was kidnapped in Lusaka before being found two-days later in Kafue in a critical condition. The identity of his kidnappers remains unknown.

Banda was subsequently arrested in June on charges of stealing property and cash worth K12,000 from Peter Sukwa Mulenga in December 2015. He was detained at Chipata Central Hospital before executing an escape on Sunday 4th August.

Police arrested two officers and three prison wardens suspected of assisting the escapee, but Mr Banda remains on the run.

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