German Agro Group Starts Stocking Zambian Food On European Shelves

German food manufacturers and suppliers Amatheon-Agri will begin to stock Zambian products on shelves in Germany and across Europe, Ambassador to Germany Anthony Mukwita has announced.

“We were very delighted to learn that Amatheon agro company has now started stocking Zambian foods along with other countries on European shelves because this will spur local growth,” Ambassador Mukwita said.

Amatheon-Agri, which is the largest German agriculture investor in Zambia, have said they will start stocking foods such as quinoa and chia in European supermarkets, with other products soon to follow.

A spokesman for the company, which employs some 2,500 Zambians, said Amatheon was happy to bring “good things from Africa to Germany”. 

The initiative will bring 1,000 seasonal jobs during the growing season and could expand if the operation is a success. 

Ambassador Mukwita welcomed the project as a vital part of the diversification of Zambia’s economy away from solely mining. 

“We are here to see to it that the diversification our government seeks is a reality via partnerships with companies such as Amatheon agro group but eventually we also envisage a situation where Zambians themselves break into the foreign market in a bigger way,” he said.

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