UPND Administration To Launch Empowerment Funds For Small Businesses

Copperbelt Province Minister Elisha Matambo says the UPND Administration will give empowerment funds to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises regardless of their political affiliation.

Mr. Matambo says the empowering of SMEs will not be channeled towards one political party like it used to be in the previous Government where cadres were the only people who benefited from the empowerment programs.

He says Government is keen to providing initiatives so that funding hurdles faced by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises can be resolved for their businesses to thrive.

Mr. Matambo was speaking in a speech read on his behalf by Copperbelt Deputy Permanent Secretary Daniel Kamenga.

This was during the official opening of the Global entrepreneurship week in Luanshya District held under the theme: District economic Transformation through Innovation, Collaborations and Strategic Partnership.

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