K2.2. Billion Lost To Corruption In 2020

A report conducted by the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has exposed that in 2020 the country lost K1.3 billion through corruption, tax evasion, fraud, illegal mining, as well as through other means. Corruption alone cost the government K2.2 billion.

The report revealed that tax evasion and corruption were the main financial offences observed in the country within 2020.

Only fourteen cases of corruption were reported by the FIC in 2020. In spite of the low number of cases, the value of the corruption cases remains high at an average of almost K160 million per case.

The report clearly outlines how corruption within the country has increased over the past two years. In 2018, 7 cases were reported and in 2019 only 4 cases were reported.

Robert Haloba, who has worked closely with government institutions for over five years, commented on the report, saying that the corruption figures within it were “a tiny drop in the ocean” compared to actual figures.

Over the past 10 years, the Patriotic Front have been heavily involved in corrupt practices including embezzling millions of dollar’s worth of international aid as well as loosing almost $8 million as a result government involvement in the illegal trade of mukula wood.

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