PF Confused About Cause Of Inflation

Dr Chishimba Kambwili of the Patriotic Front (PF) government has said that rising prices of goods within the country is an issue which affects many countries across the planet.

In a statement made this week, Kambwili appears to place the blame of rising inflation onto international external factors, rather than considering the ways in which the PF government’s own actions have caused these rising costs.

Kambwili said that, if the PF government were able to, then they would do what they could do prevent suffering in the country, suffering which is caused by a rise in prices.

“Every reasonable government and every reasonable leader would not want the people to suffer if they can do something about that situation, particularly when it comes to high cost of living,” he said.

Kambwili’s statement, however, ignores the fact that it is only since the PF have been in power that inflation has risen by almost 15%. Subsequently, although inflation may not have been indented, the irresponsible actions of the government has resulted in increased costs across the country.

“Prices have gone up from America, UK, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe. All of these countries are grappling with the issues of high prices,” Kambwili added.

To put this into perspective, inflation in the UK is at around 2% and in America it is only at 1%. In comparison, inflation within Zambia is at 15%.

As a result, the PF must look at its own actions, such as high government spending, large debt and poor performance of government-owned mines, to control ever rising inflation. It is only once this is achieved that individuals across the country will be able to afford to put food on their plates.

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