Luapula Farmers to Benefit from Rice Breeding

Farmers recycling rice seed has hampered Zambia’s rice seed capacity; however, in partnership with the Japanese government, Zambia is establishing a state-of-the-art rice breeding station and training facility at Mansa Research Station.

Over 3,500 Smallholder farmers in Luapula Province are set to benefit from the Rice Seed Breeding and Training centres at the Mansa site.

Agriculture Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, John Mulongoti, says the facilities will enhance rice production in Zambia.

Mr Mulongoti also explained that the facilities will help to achieve Zambia's Crop Diversification Agenda and reduce rice imports. “We want to produce more and export more,” added Ireen Ngulube,  Agricultural Research Manager at the Mansa facility.

Dr Dickson Ng’uni, Director at the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI), said, “What we are launching here in Mansa is a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a training facility and the production fields for rice seeds. Essentially, the goal is to make reliable and quality seeds for our famine community to improve our productivity in the rice subsector.” 

Construction on the site is expected to be completed by mid-2025.

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