Over 5,000 Lusaka Youths Awarded CDF Skills Grants

Government has awarded close to K45 million in Constituency Development Fund (CDF) skills bursaries to 5,441 young people in Lusaka District. The funding will be used to provide the youths with essential skills training across the districts’s seven constituencies.

Following a thorough eligibility verification process, all 5000 + young people will now receive training in skills such as carpentry, tailoring, fashion design, plumbing, culinary arts, mechanics, electrical work, and driving.

Kabwata constituency recorded the most beneficiaries, with 1,112 young people receiving CDF bursaries. This was closely followed by Chawama, with 815, and Matero with 788.

The initiative reflects the New Dawn government’s strong emphasis on youth empowerment, equipping young people with the skills they need to improve their livelihoods and contribute to Zambia’s economy.

Bolstering the CDF program is a flagship policy of the Hichilema administration, with funding raised to K30.6 million per constituency in the 2024 budget - up from just K1.6 million in 2021.

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