100,000 Kitwe Children to be Vaccinated Against Measles

More than 100,000 children in Kitwe District, aged between 9 months and 5 years-old, are to be vaccinated against measles as part of a national effort to improve national immunity.

Speaking at the launch of the mass immunisation campaign, Kitwe District Commissioner Lawrence Mwanza said that the government believes it is every child’s right to lead a normal, healthy life free from diseases such as measles.

“This campaign is not just about health but ensuring fundamental rights of every child in Zambia to survive, thrive, and achieve their full potential,” Mr Mwanza explained.

“Our goal is simple and profound: to vaccinate 107,058 children aged from 9 to 59 months in the entire district and protect them from the effects of measles,” he added.

According to Kitwe’s District Health Director Francis Liywali, 70 health facilities across the country are already offering vaccinations against measles and rubella.

Kitwe’s vaccination drive forms part of a national campaign aimed at reaching four million children across Zambia. The Ministry of Health launched the campaign on Friday in response to falling levels of immunization during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The World Health Organisation - in cooperation with GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance - has delivered 5.32 million doses of the vaccine to Zambia at an estimated cost of $1.1 million.

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