Cholera Cases Decline as the Chingola Municipal Council Intensifies Prevention Efforts

Cholera cases in Chililabombwe and Chingola have dropped to just two in the last 24 hours, following intensified intervention efforts by the Chingola Municipal Council (CMC). In response to the outbreak, the CMC chlorinated 333 water wells and treated 59 pit latrines with lime in high risk areas.

Evelyn Mulenga, Chingola’s Assistant Public Relations Manager, highlighted that these measures were implemented after residents in vulnerable communities raised concerns about rising cholera cases and deteriorating water quality. The chlorination initiative targeted 194 wells in Chabanyama and 139 in Gibson Chimfwembe, aiming to curb the spread of the disease at its source.

The ongoing initiative is part of a broader strategy to provide safe drinking water and encourage proper sanitation practices in cholera-prone communities. “In addition to this exercise, the local authority is actively conducting sensitisation programmes in public places such as schools and markets as well as radio programmes to educate the community members on maintaining clean surroundings,” Mulega said.

Chililabombwe District Commissioner Precious Njekwa confirmed that only two new cholera cases were recorded in the last 24 hours—one from Kasumbalesa and another from Lubengele township—bringing the total number of reported cases to 211 since the outbreak began.

“This however should not mean recommended health guidelines must be ignored, let us continue to keep our surroundings clean and maintain high standards of hygiene at personal level and as families”, Njekwa warned.

The CMC’s proactive measures have proven effective in controlling the outbreak, reflecting the council’s commitment to safeguarding public health and supporting the most vulnerable communities.


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