ZEPH Makes Progress in Printing New Curriculum Textbooks - All 29 Modules Published Digitally

The Zambia Education Publishing House (ZEPH) is making strong progress in printing textbooks for the revised school curriculum.

Speaking on Friday, Managing Director Agness Wilkins told reporters that ZEPH has been working with key stakeholders, including Government Printers, to accelerate the process.

“We have made some good progress, we have finalised publishing digitally. We are in a digital era; all 29 modules have been published. We are also cognizant of the fact that we have Generation X who are still digital-phobic; they would rather work with paper, so we are catering for them’”  said Ms Wilkins. 

“It was a phased approach; we started with publishing, which is the first mandate, and now we are printing, which is our second mandate,” she added.

ZEPH has partnered with the Ministry of Transport and Logistics to speed up production. Additionally, Zesco is now providing ZEPH with power 24/7, meaning that the ZEPH team can work day and night to ensure they deliver.

“So far, we have completed 16,000 copies for Early Childhood Education, we’ve already done Food and Nutrition for Form One, Agriculture Science for Form One and we have also already printed Hospitality for Form One. The ministry will guide us on how to do the distributions, schools already have the soft copies which they are using,” concluded Ms Wilkins.

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