Zambia To Take Up Chairmanship of the African Union Peace and Security Committee


Zambia will assume the chairmanship of the African Union Peace and Security Committee this August, according to Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Susan Sikaneta.

Zambia has ratified the African Charter on Governance, Elections and Human Rights to uphold tenets of democracy and good governance.

In addition the Zambian envoy to the African Union has commended Action Aid for the work it is doing and emphasized the need for civil society organizations in Zambia to take a leading role in helping popularize the programmes of the African Union, especially Agenda 2063.

Action Aid Zambia Governance Programme Manager Musonda Kabinga said that the decision by the Zambian government to revise the Constitution, the Electoral Code and amendments to the penal code were progressive moves meant to promote good governance.

He said the organization would soon release a report on how the implementation of the charter is being done.

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