Tackling the Inequality Virus – PilAto Speaks at WEF

PilAto was yesterday among the speakers at a World Economic Forum (WEF) press conference on ‘Tackling The Inequality Virus’.  

The musician and civil society activist featured on a panel alongside the WEF’s Alem Tedeneke, Oxfam International Executive Director Gabriela Bucher, Professor Darrick Hamilton and Unilever Chief Sustainability Officer Rebecca Marmot. 

The panel focused on the extent of inequality and its impact revealed by the Covid pandemic, discussing how best to tackle the problem and exploring options from education to technology. 

The event was held to coincide with the release of a report by Oxfam International - The Inequality Virus. The report states that the wealth of the ten richest men in the world has skyrocketed during the pandemic, rising by enough to vaccinate every person in the world and prevent anyone falling into poverty.  

While the report stated that it took just nine months for the fortunes of the world’s top 1,000 billionaires to return to pre-pandemic highs, it could take people living in poverty over a decade to recover. 

PilAto’s contribution to the discussions focused on the role music can play in bringing people together and empowering people to push for equality.  

“Music has so much power. It can influence, it can shape the direction of a society,” he told the audience.  

He said inequality should not be seen as a political issue but a humanity issue. During the course of his involvement in the global Fight Inequality Alliance PilAto said he had learnt over time that there is no way we can find a solution to a problem we do not understand. The first step is how much do we understand about inequality, he counselled, saying there are no better experts than the people who are living it. 

PilAto stressed the importance of involving people, "Allowing thier voices and concerns to be heard is very effective in finding a solution."

Music brings us together and can empower people at the grassroots, he explained. Music gives them power and a platform to express themselves and allow them to be heard. 

A recording of the event is available to view on the WEF website at: Tackling the Inequality Virus.

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