Name And Shame Corrupt PF Members - Kavindele

The country’s former vice-president Enock Kavindele has asked the UPND government to name all corrupt members of the previous Patriotic Front (PF) government.

Speaking during an interview, Mr Kavindele said that the government must open up about what they know with regards to corruption under the former PF rule.

“In a country where people have only one meal, just one meal after every other day, it is not fair that others can help themselves in government and become instant billionaires,” he said.

The former vice-president believed that naming and shaming these individuals would stop such corruption from happening again.

“…it is important that the government names and shames those people who have done wrong things against the people of Zambia. There is no point in just returning the money and keeping quiet because thing thing will continually repeat itself. So those people should be named and shamed” Kavindele added.

Mr Kavindele’s comments come as corruption under the former PF governemnt has slowly been revealed over the past 10 years.

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