ACC Arrests Amos Chanda And Wife

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has arrested President Lungu’s former press advisor Amos Chanda along with his wife, Mable Nakaundi Chanda, and sister-in-law, Ruth Nakaundi, for the obstruction of justice and for using offensive language towards police officers. 

The ACC claims that Chanda insulted its officers last week while they were conducting a search of his home. At the time Mr Chanda claimed the officers had assaulted his sister-in-law and threatened him with a gun. He described the raid as “pure harassment and lawlessness”. 

The Commission adds that Mr Chanda and his wife obstructed and delayed the officers while they carried out a search of his home in Woodlands, Lusaka. The couple allegedly claimed the keys to their bedrooms were with another person out of town, which turned out to be untrue. 

Mr Chanda, his wife and his sister-in-law have since been released on bail and will appear in court soon. ACC spokesperson Queen Chibwe said her agency would not hesitate to bring the accused to book under the fullest extent of the law. 

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