HH Will Not Be Distracted From His Mission to Fight Corruption

 President Hakainde Hichilema has said that no amount of political slander or debate will divert his agenda from fighting corruption, and bringing to justice those who stole from Zambians.

Speaking shortly after his arrival in Monze yesterday, the President identified those who suggest the fight against corruption is tribal as trying to distract the Zambian people from the real issue.

Specifically, President Hichilema described the tactic as a failed political strategy used by the Patriotic Front to try and cover their corrupt practices and win elections. He commended the Zambian people for seeing through this in the last election, adding that he would remain focused on trying to recover everything that was stolen from the Zambian people during the previous administration.

This accusation of the PF overstating tribalism seems both timely and justified, given former PF parliamentary member Chisimba Kambwili is currently under investigation for alleged offensive tribal remarks. 

During his visit to Monze District, HH also attended the Samu Lya Moomba ceremony, where he delivered a compelling address about Zambian unity and tradition.

He implored Zambians to make sure no one is successful in their efforts to divide the country, and that national unity will aid development and help citizens raise themselves out of poverty, another key aim of this UPND government. 

HH elaborated on this point, stating that his UPND administration is working hard to readjust how public resources are managed, and he will ensure that resources are delivered to provincial constituencies, as they deserve. 

Part of this effort to ensure ongoing unity and equality entails giving historical sites such as Samu Lya Moomba the reverence they command, and recognising the contribution of all Zambians to prosperity of the country. 

Southern Province Minister Cornelius Mweetwa said President Hichilema has demonstrated his commitment to this cause through his regional visits, and by appointing ministers that represent every province.

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