PF Tightens Security Ahead of Elections

With just six months to go until the 2021 elections the PF Government is working to tighten security in the country, both on the streets and online.

Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo is busy working on the National Command Centre, which involves the installation of street cameras across the country. According to Hon Kampyongo the aim of the project it to eliminate crime and increase security.

Meanwhile the Cyber Bill is targeting security online but has raised concerns that the Government is taking a leaf out of the book of regional autocrats such as Uganda’s President Museveni and Tanzania’s President Magufuli, who have in recent years introduced legislation and controls which critics say have prevented free speech and reduced the space for oppositional voices in the countries.

The current focus on security has been questioned by some including Alliance for Community Action (ACA) Executive Director Laura Miti.

“Rather than tell us how it is working to rescue the economy that is in free fall, the government announces that it has put up nearly 1000 surveillance cameras around the country, surely at astronomical cost,” Miti writes.

“Cameras to ensure Minister Kampyongo can watch citizens' every move before unleashing those lethal weapons he bought for the purpose,” she continues.

“Oh, and the Cyber Bill, which the President announced is meant to go after those who criticise him for his mind boggling failure to perform in office, is on its way to Parliament.”

“This is a government that thinks of citizens as the enemy and spends every moment, it is not stealing public money, planning how to silence their whimpers of pain at the inordinate economic, social and pain they are enduring,” Miti concludes.

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