UPND Convention Results Expected Today Following Delays

The results of the United Party for National Development’s general conference elections are expected today following a delay to the verification process in some provinces.

So far results from 7 provinces have been verified, including Muchinga, Northern, Western, North-western, Southern, Eastern and Luapula. Party officials are still waiting on results from Lusaka, Central, and Copperbelt provinces to be verified before announcing the new National Management Committee (NMC)

The elections, which were held on Sunday, will appoint 70 new members to the NMC, the UPND’s highest decision-making body.

A total of 204,050 votes were cast by the 2,915 party delegates from across Zambia.

According to the party’s former elections committee chair, Garry Nkombo, the voting is structured to ensure regional and tribal balancing as well as to safeguard democratic norms.

The vote will also make the UPND the first major political party to successfully conduct intraparty elections, as required by the Zambian Constitution. 

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