ActionAid Zambia Board Chair Under Arrest

ActionAid Zambia is calling for the immediate release of its chairperson, following reports he has been detained on unknown charges.

“ActionAid Zambia Board, Management and Staff are appalled to learn that Mr Partner Siabatuba who is currently the Board Chairperson for ActionAid Zambia has been arrested today in Choma on unknown charges,” writes ActionAid Zambia Country Director Nalucha Nganga Ziba. 

“As a human rights organisation, we are horrified to see the growing machine of repression in our country and we therefore call for the immediate release of our Board Chairperson,” the group's director continued 

ActionAid is a global movement of people working together to further human rights for all and defeat poverty. 

The group’s Zambia chapter does important work to advance women's rights and civic participation, engage young people and support farmers to improve their livelihoods. 

At times it has been critical of the government on occasion and recently campaigned against proposed government surveillance on citizens in the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes bill which was passed into law by parliament earlier this week. It also opposed the controversial Bill 10 last year and has frequently challenged the government on matters relating to its management of the economy. 

The arrest will fuel fears that arbitrary arrest is fast becoming commonplace in the country.

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