LAZ Reacts To Attacks on Judiciary

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has expressed deep concern regarding a recent attack on the judiciary that has been attributed to the PF Lusaka Province Chairperson Paul Moonga. The attacks relate to a press briefing held at the PF secretariat last week, following which Mr Moonga’s sentiments have done viral.

“While we subscribe to the freedom of expression and principles of accountability which entail that any person and institution, including the Judiciary can be subject of criticism, we are particularly perturbed by the sentiments from a senior member of the ruling party as the sentiments suggest that the Judiciary is subject to the control and direction of other people, contrary to the constitutional provision highlighted above,” LAZ has stated.

“In particular, the sentiments that the Judges are being watched by the ruling party, and the suggestion that some Constitutional Court Judges are susceptible to corruption so as to nullify the candidature of the President should a petition be filed, are not only unfortunate and detrimental to constitutionalism, but also have the potential to intimidate the Judiciary and undermine its independence,” it continues.

The LAZ says it strongly condemns unwarranted attacks on public institutions which are established to work independently, in furtherance of national order and governance. It warns that such public utterances should not be left unchecked and against the politicisation of institutions.

“We therefore, call upon the PF leadership to prevail over its members to refrain from issuing unwarranted attacks against the Judiciary,” the statement continues.

The LAZ concludes by urging the Judiciary to continue its work without fear or favour as per its constitutional mandate.

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has sought to distance the party from Mr Moonga’s comments.

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