UPND’s Romeo Kang’ombe remains MP, Speaker rules

Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini has ruled that Sesheke Central Member of Parliament Romeo Kang’ombe will maintain his seat in parliament.

Dr Matibini, a lawyer and former high court Judge, says the two years suspended sentence slapped on the lawmaker by the Chinsali Magistrate court, served Mr Kango’mbe from losing his parliamentary seat as he is not serving any sentence.

Dr Matibini, clarified this in parliament today, when passing his ruling on a point of order raised by Kabwe Central Member of Parliament, Tutwa Ngulube, who questioned Mr Kang’ombe’s continued presence in parliament even after being convicted.

“The Sesheke Central lawmaker is in order to retain his seat in this August house. He has not vacated his seat unless or until such a time that he violets the conditions of the sentence,” Dr Matibini explained.

On Tuesday April 13th, 2021, Mr Ngulube raised a point of order as to whether Mr Kang’ombe was in order to maintain his seat in the house after his verdict in the Chinsali Magistrate’s court.

In his response, Dr Matibini reserved his ruling on the matter which he has rendered today.

On Monday April 12th, 2021, the Sesheke Central Member of parliament, was given a two year suspended sentence by the Chinsali Magistrate Court.

Chinsali, Resident Magistrate, Julius Malata, who last week found Kang’ombe guilty of abducting and assaulting two police officers, handed out the two year suspended sentence and ordered the lawmaker to pay a K10, 000 fine in another case.

“You risk a stiffer conviction should you commit a similar offence in the next two years,” Magistrate Malata warned Mr Kang’ombe.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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