Police Chief Calls For Peace Following PF Violence

Chief of Police, Kakoma Kanganja, has released a statement urging political actors to commit to conducting peaceful political activities in the lead up to the 12th August elections.

In their role as the Zambia Police Service, Mr Kanganja said that they aim to “provide an environment conducive for all political parties participating in the forthcoming elections to conduct their scheduled activities in a peaceful environment.”

To maintain peace within the country, Mr Kanganja urged party leaders to promote peaceful activities in the lead up to the election.

Commenting on the importance of creating a peaceful environment, he said “However, this cannot be possible if political players do not commit themselves to conducting peaceful political activities. I am, therefore, urging the leadership of all political parties at all levels to take a lead in preaching peace to their supporters.”

Mr Kanganja noted previous issues which have occurred in the lead up to elections.

“In previous elections, we have experienced occurrences where some cadres were deliberately provoking members of opposing political parties by straying into their camps or public gatherings which in most instances resulted in public order disturbance.”

The statement comes only 11 days after violence was seen at the Patriotic Front Secretariat and also follows PF attacks on two journalists reporting at an event in which two factions of the PF were violently clashing. The violence seen at the Secretariat was later defended by the party deputy secretary general.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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